Oktober 31, 2011

Conceiving, believing, and achieving : due process of life

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment....

This sentence reminds me about the value of discipline. I always feel sorry if I wake too early in the morning. But I feel no guilty at all if I wake too late. My mind teach me that night is the best time to make a contemplation. An important part to review life's journey and then fix them in the next day after. 

In college, I kept my leisure activities to a minimum. Less television, partying, or socializing for me. I was determined to succeed and leave my mark on the school and at the same time, increase my knowledge about my chosen career as law practitioner. All my activities allways associated with my chosen career. I wanna be a judge. The one who makes the law. Who decides the truth and the untruth of a case. Somehow, someway, I wanted to be the absolute best I could be.

My journey actually began when I interned at Legal Aid institution. I didn't care about earning the credits, but was interested in the inner workings of the law enforcement. The internship taught me the difference between the professional world and the college world. And it showed me the ravine between law in the book and law in action.

I also joined some competition on law topics. Like debate competition, mootcourt competition, and scientific papers in Law. Not only did I do well in my classes, I also purchased numerous books on law and studied just as much during my free time as I did in my required courses. I wanted to focus my efforts and achieve success according to my own standards. So I asked myself three questions:

1. What is my goal?
2. Can I accomplish it?
3. What actions must I take to reach it?

At the end of my study, I attended the training of lawyers. I discovered that the analysis of the case depend of lawyer's duty. How to guide the Judge's perspective on Law become the most important part to be done. I found the answers to my questions:

1. Be a law practitioner.
2. Sure. Every law scholar can be a solicitors/ a judge/ 
   a prosecutor, so why not me?
3. Produce a high-quality argument in law.

To my amazement, this goal fueled me for the next few years and propelled me to learn as much as possible about being a solicitor; one of law pratitioner.The odds of success were against me, as only two percent of graduates had ever won an award, but once I focused on achieving this goal within the timeframe of college, it set in motion an extraordinary self-transformation. 

I felt an enormous amount of energy and passion that was dormant before I set my sights on the success. Partying, socializing, and drinking were unimportant compared to the possibility of winning the case, something that would increase my chances of finding work in the real world and also give me a great sense of accomplishment.

Until I must handle a complicated rape case. The victim is a retard. Seemed no way out in law, no witness, no evidences. But finally, I did it. I won the case. The raper must be happy staying at jail for 10 years later. I don't know how I did it with only one friend as a team, but I constructed sets, collected evidences and clues, did some interviews, and even arrange special clues and sciences. Somehow we managed, even though it took us a year to finish the case.

I set out to achieve my goals and found enormous rewards by conceiving, believing, and achieving my dreams.

So, I just wanna affirm once again that discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment....


the only sure thing about luck is that it will change.


Note: Kalau ada bhs inggris yg kurang pas secara structure or grammar,,,,,tolong dicomment ya,,,biasa,,,,sambil latihan.

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